About the firm

Competence Based on Experience
Thank you for visiting Peter Bittner and Partner, European Patent Attorneys. We competently consult and represent you in IP Management issues of various disciplines.
This includes all matters of European or International Patent Law but also support in the development of IP strategies and IP portfolio management. Learn more about our firm and its competencies.

What makes us unique
Our longlasting practical experience in the patenting of computer implemented inventions before the European Patent Office. We patent your software innovations – PATIT – PATents for IT!
Our broad knowledge about the patentability requirements in other important software markets in combination with a Value Based IP Management Approach (VIPM) which is based on our longlasting experience in industry are certainly arguments that will convince you.
Who we are
European Patent Attorneys with many years of practical IP management experience in the software industry.
Therefore, our service offering is not limited to legal advice in European and International Patent Law but also includes consulting services in the field of developing IP Strategies as an integral part of the overall strategy of your business. The strategy is implemented in the form of the Value Based IP Portfolio Management Approach using the SIPAC-Method (Strategic IP Asset Creation).

What we offer
Peter Bittner and Partner, European Patent Attorneys offer competent legal advice in all matters concerning European and International Patent Law. Further, consulting in IP Strategy and IP Portfolio Management belongs to our core competencies.
Our expertise is based on more than 10 years of experience in the Software Industry where we specialized in the patenting of computer implemented inventions (CII) in Europe.
We put our highest emphasis on quality. We create your IP assets to also comply with the major patentability requirements of the patent offices in other important markets, such as the Chinese or US market. Especially for software related inventions those requirements differ considerably between important patent offices. Therefore, we draft patent applications for your software innovations which will serve you as an excellent basis for protection in those other markets, too.
Patent proceedings
Competent legal advice and representation in the European and International Patent Proceedings by specialized European Patent Attorneys
IP strategy
Competent IP Strategy consulting for your enterprise based on our long practical experience in the industry
Portfolio management
Competent IP Portfolio Management consulting for running a value based IP management approach, which we developed and successfully implemented in industry

IP Kompetenznetzwerk
Peter Bittner is a founding member of the Kompetenznetzwerk IP, an association dedicated to promoting intellectual property (IP), intellectual property rights and related field of laws.

Cooperation with the patent office Paul Rosenich AG (PPR)
We at PATIT® are cooperating with the patent office Paul Rosenich AG (PPR) since September 2012, an internationally active patent law firm located in Triesenberg (Liechtenstein) and Buchs (Switzerland). Through this cooperation, we will be able to offer our clients even more comprehensive support in additional technical fields in the future. Furthermore, through the international presence of our cooperation partner, our expertise in the IT sector becomes accessible to a broader client at the European level.

Learn more
Find out which topics we’ve specialized on.
Our priorities in field of laws
Our services in the field of IP management